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Tired of Me!

This Is M3!

Been looking for the Real M3 for quite some time, 
looking for me in;

the Molested Little Girl,
the Raped Youth,
the Confused Teen,
the Broken Young Lady,
the Damaged Woman,
the Fearful Mother,
the Undone Wife...

I wanted Love so bad that I started to look for it in the wrong faces & the wrong places,
I didn't know, who I really was because I didn't know...
that the LOVE that I was looking for couldn't be found in People, Places or Things. 

I looked high and low for Love and found that HURT People... HURT People.
I thought that someones Love was able to fix the me inside that looked Abused & Shattered.

Today as I reflect on the Life that is given unto me, I see... It was NEVER about ME!

All the Love that I was looking for in huMANs was Not Love...
It was my trying to be accepted, wanted & trying to Fit In to a World that was just as HURT as I was.

Today I am beyond GRATEFUL because I realized that the ONLY LOVE that Would Ever Heal me  from the Love I searched for, was in the BLOOD. I am able to say that today the M3 that I was looking for was always hidden in Christ Jesus. Because When I look over my life I see that Everything that I went through... 

HE was Already there Protecting, Keeping & Covering the M3 that I forgotten about.
It's because of HIS LOVE for Me... 
that I don't have to be anyone other than M3!!!

My LIFE is  Bigger Than M3!


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