It's NOT your time to speak, to play, to pout or throw a tantrum.
It's NOT your time to yell, whine, cry & take control.
It's NOT your time to be a bully or to pick on those who aren't your size.
It's NOT your time to talk negative, NOT your time to put or tear anyone down.
It's NOT your time to fight because you didn't get your way, it's not your time to kick things or show that you are upset & angry.
It's NOT your time to run others lives!
It's NOT your Time!
It's time to grow up & show all that your Strong after all.
It's your time to grow up & realize that life isn't just about YOU.
It's your time to grow up.... YOUR Destiny is waiting for you.
It's your time to grow up & show them that your a man,
it's your time to grow up & be the Best man that you can.
NO MORE cheating yourself of living, just because of Life's bad hand that you were given.
You deserve more than what you had, you deserve more though you weren't raise with a dad,
you deserve more because you didn't know real love, you deserve more because you were created in His Love.
Little boy stop fighting what you've been through, little boy stop allowing the hurt to make a hurt man out of YOU.
Tell your truth & you'll be fine, tell your truth little boy....
It's about that TIME.
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