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The Husband I've Been AWAITING

The Husband I’ve Been AWAITING

Today I was thinking about what got us to this place. I started to think about how I fell in love with you. I feel like I've loved you all my life. I remember the 1st time I heard you pray, the 1st time you spoke in tongue, the 1st time you thanked God for sending you a God fearing Woman who would Love, Respect & Honor you Faithfully. US! I REMEMBER You US! I remember when you use to Love me as if I were your Own, like a gift that you cherished and adored because you knew that I was her... Ÿour Rib!
I remember you saying recently that you just want us to go back. Back to that time where we prayed and loved each other and It was a pure love for one another and GOD was in the midst of ALL we were and wanted to be.

HOW did we get here from there? Let’s look together because maybe you didn't see that when you left New Jersey... Your real journey through your past would attach itself to you and exchange your Genuine Love to tainted lust. Those familiar spirits attached to your past & the generational spirits attached to your family... Overtook You.
When you left Us in New Jersey to come back to what you were supposed to fight against to save... You started to relax in what was familiar.
I've loved the Pastor that God showed me and the Minister that you said you were for quite some time and stood Faithfully because I BELIEVED that what was in his spirit would grow outwardly and overtake that which has settled in or on you.
So don't believe that I've ever had the Full You... I wonder if you ever loved me or have you been lying about who you were since Jersey. I've been loving you from that place... And now realize that I've never gotten to enjoy the Pastor, Minister or Prophet in YOU!
You have never fought for me in the Spirit nor have you fought the spirits off of you for Us. That's where I believe you stopped loving me...

That's why you want to go back there because that's where your love was true because ever since you came home to your past and your family instead of being the Minister you became him

I don’t know if we’ll ever get there to be the couple that GOD ordained for His Kingdom, I’m praying for you & wanted you to know that’s where I believe I lost you... When you left the REAL YOU in New Jersey.
We’d be an AMAZING Kingdom Building Powerhouse but not without you doing your work in GOD! I wished that you would make me fall again but this time It may be too late!


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