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There was NEVER A DIE from me to Him!!!

There Was Never A DIE!

How come the one that is suppose to love you the most is the one that hurts you the Worst.
My husband has a bad temper, not to the point of hitting but his words. His words hurt so much that when he's upset or in his feelings... he doesn't care WHO or WHAT you are, you WILL feel the Wrath of what he wants you to know & how it made him feel.

But today, for me was the worst day. We started out all right but ended up in a place that is hard to get back to where the Loving started. I have so many questions like did we move to fast, did we both get rid of both of our flaws.... before we committed to the "I DO"!

Today I just got tired of him pushing and pushing and always having something negative to say that I fed into it. I fed into the irritation that turned into a Fueled Fire too Fast! You heard of Fast & the Furious? try to imagine Fast & My husband....

Tell me what you think, I recently told him about a male that I was so called in love with for over 11 years & even waited on the man UNTIL I met Him... (Him meaning my husband). Well the male I was so called in love with until I met my husband, well we became very GOOD friends, we became very close to the point where he told me EVERYTHING, even about ALL the Women he was with. He never really wanted to be with me because he said I was like too good, to Holy and he knew he would have to change some of those NY City ways that I loved so much.

To be honest after I met my husband I realized that EVERY Man I thought I ever Loved... Couldn't touch what I had! One because it was given to me and the other because he was mine. He was given to me like  a gift from God to LOVE ME! Everything about me...

So imagine now being very good friend with the male that you thought you use to love. There was nothing sexual from me to him & he always flirted so I never took him serious. But wait, now he is telling me about his now breakup with the chick that he chose over me.

Because I was his friend I didn't think there was nothing wrong talking to  him about his relationship with his woman because for the last 7 to 8 years.... that's who I was, his counselor.
So to my surprise My husband who I told everything to throws him up in my face during a argument. He was pissing me off so I try to be just as sarcastic as he by saying whatever and if you keep bringing him, I know where I'm moving to because he does have that extra room.... I was being a smart alex and he took it and ran with it. No as a matter of fact he's so mad right now that he's throwing up others.... Then in my irritation i compare the both and brushed it off but he didn't.
To make a long story short all this anger for whatever reason stayed with him that as I was on the phone with my female cousin, he thought I was on the phone with my old male friend. He told me that I was a DIRTY B%tch & that he hoped that I would choke off a D*#k and Die!

I couldn't believe it the man that I made love to this morning, the man who said he Loves me and that I am IMPORTANT to him said those things because I was sarcastic with him and said things that hurt his feelings.
But those things that he said didn't just hurt... they PIERCED! 
When is enough ENOUGH? because now, as much as I love him, I don't know how to get over the last words he said. I wasn't his wife, I was a Dirty B that he thought was disrespecting him and he told me that he hopes I choke on a D and DIE!

In all my smart remarks, no weight holding sarcasms... there was never a DIE!



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