May I speak to the WOMAN that you ARE! I have thought really hard about why your sending me videos & screenshots. After a lot of prayer I realize that you must be in love with the man that I call my husband. What amazes me is that you have so much hatred, animosity & malice towards ME. Beloved you ONLY know what he's told you about me. But think about it..... if he could lie to me about you, about his WHOLE relationship with YOU.... What more would you believe of him. I doubt that your desperate to try & take another women's husband because he's not yours. I'm SO sorry that you were a pawn in the enemies game, a distraction rather. I have no hatred for you, no malice & no stones to throw because I'm not perfect. GOD is dealing with Anthony severely because GOD has confirmed on several occasions that HE (Pastor Dewberry) IS my husband. Do you think I want to stay with a man that cheated on me because of his own insecurities? HE N...