He gave her HOPE that there was a possibility of something more than what he already had..... ME! As my husband left me to be with his new found love, his new boo, his sure thing & his, this grass is greener.... he forgot something.... That I was made for him, given to him as a gift from the Creator, Himself. He forgot that when he didn't have anything, I had him. I was the one who believed in him when they gave up on him. He forgot that the I AM that lives in me honors my prayers, loves my tears & hurts when I hurt. He forgot that I'm that piece of him that was taken out, yet made whole to complete him. I Am Important to GOD, a Princess! I Belong to Him who sits High yet looks low... my husband broken without sense of direction nor a heart of repentance... is Lost! Yet in my hurt.... I love him still... GOD, have your way in This!